Real Stories, Real Transformations

Read firsthand accounts from clients who have experienced profound healing and

personal growth through Marianna Hollosi’s unique therapeutic approach.

From the Mother of a Son with ASD

"Our son, who is on the autism spectrum, has always liked hugs from family and friends and just about anyone. In the past too, hugs/being held have been used as a calming mechanism both from family and when he was younger, staff at school etc. However, as an adult in his early thirties, hugs are no longer freely available, apart from his parents and sibling. Marianna has helped to fill this void as an empathetic, understanding and caring therapist who takes care with her client firstly to establish the boundaries and to offer a sympathetic, listening ear as she gets to know the person she is working with. She has travelled to his Supported Living home from the office base. I believe our young man has found that the sessions so far with her are calming and helpful, and I would also say the sessions have helped his confidence to a significant degree. Thank you Marianna."

Tim S.

"I've had the opportunity to see Marianna a few times now and each time is better than before. We had a conversation which started off with me asking her a question and from there she has managed to open my eyes and mind to a whole aspect of thinking about myself and what I could be. She encouraged me to seek my passion and to strive for my own goals. I can honestly say before that session I never had the intention of pursuing my hobbies but Marianna made me look at the root cause of my problem and helped me see the other side of it and what I need to do to get there. She helped me identify my problem of lack of self-validation through talking and conversing with her is just so easy and it flows to the point that it feels natural. I'm grateful for her kind nature and empathic take on my issues."


"I was a little apprehensive before meeting with Marianna for our session. I’m English and the whole idea of Cuddle Therapy seemed quite ‘out there’ and peculiar, and yet I also felt it was something I needed to experience to release some deeply locked emotions. Marianna immediately put me at my ease and remained attuned to my feelings and comfort levels throughout the whole session. She was incredibly loving and gentle, and created an atmosphere of genuine light and emotional warmth for healing to occur. I never had siblings growing up and Marianna was able to offer a beautiful feminine presence and sisterly love which worked wonders on opening my chakras, especially my heart centre. She adapted to my needs and feelings throughout, and listened attentively as I talked through some of the stuff that was coming up for me. She also offered gentle feedback and observations which helped me process and reflect on those feelings and the experiences that arose in the session. I would highly recommend her to anybody seeking healing on a deep emotional level."

K.A. from Kuwait

"Well, the connection with Marianna started before meeting her. As I was scrolling through my phone to find a cuddle therapist, I was not sure if I should try it or not as I have never had a cuddle session before. It was new for me. I don’t know what happened but when I found her profile it was like a click that she should be the person experiencing cuddle therapy with. I looked at her picture, and also the genre she uses in her messages made me feel that she is a warm-hearted person. I found her on a day that I really wanted to be cared for and be connected to someone. I was so excited when I met her and at the same time felt weird as I didn’t know what to do. She was a good leader. Her hand has a strong energy that is full of warmth and calmness. Only putting her hand on me made me feel different. Cuddling her was like a response for the calls I have been doing in the previous months. I was feeling lonely and in a bad mood sometimes, but she made me forget all that and she gave me a response for all my calls. She filled all the emptiness inside me. Looking at her eyes was hard and comfortable at the same time. I didn’t know that eye gazing could be stronger than physical touch. I felt that I could go through her soul through looking at her eyes. It was a unique feeling I never had before. I was very active and in a hurry, recently, but the time with her made me the opposite, made me move and talk so slow and made me so lazy and relaxed. SOOOO CHILLEEED!I felt so surrendered and it happened while listening to the rain sound, which I love and made me feel so peaceful. When I took her hand and put it on my heart the second time we met, I felt a strong and very warm connection between her palm and my chest and heart. I felt all my power and strength have been transferred to her palm as well as all the thoughts and ideas I have. It was like my tank had been empty, not fuel. It felt like emptying the battery before recharging it. It is so hard writing this because every time I write about one thing, another thing and another feeling comes to my mind. That is why I’m jumping from one idea to another idea. Otherwise I will write pages to describe the beautifully indescribable experience with her. Note: I’m writing this on the airplane while heading back home!"

Ish T.

"Marianna is just one of those wonderful people that makes you feel comfortable from the moment you meet her! The easy communication during the booking process was a preview of such relaxed session, filled with nice conversation, wonderful cuddles - and a great smile! A beautiful soul, simply, don't hesitate in cuddling with her! We had a wonderful time together. She is very warm and friendly! I explained that I was new to this, but she made me feel comfortable right away. We chatted about family and friends, and also shared a few of life’s experiences. I’m already looking forward to booking in another session. Thank you Marianna."

Andrew Henson

"I’m a 50 years young male, single and in need of platonic affection to bridge the gap between relationships. I found Marianna through a Google search for cuddle professionals. I was very impressed with the long list of services and credentials. I booked a two hour session which could have gone on a lot longer. I arrived at the venue in London, we cuddled in various positions on a comfortable double bed. I fell asleep twice which is credit to Marianna for creating such as relaxed and nurturing environment. I would highly recommend Marianna for your cuddle needs, I will definitely be booking again."

Ben W.

"I am not one to write testimonials but thought it was important so that people with a similar backgrounds might benefit from Marianna’s help as I have. For years I struggled with touch and intimacy after being sexually abused as a child. I tried multiple different types of therapy but talking about the past had not helped me get anymore comfortable with touch. I hated my own body and felt threatened by the physical intimacy of others. Four sessions of receiving Marianna’s cuddles helped me to accept myself, my body, and feel safer with physical intimacy. Marianna is more than just a cuddler, she is an amazing person. Each session with Marianna was better than the last. Thank you Marianna, for everything."

Alysa B. from Australia

"I met Marianna after attending a Family Constellations event. On learning, she has also attended them in the past, and I sought to connect with her and share experiences. Our conversation went on a journey of its own, and I shared with her my experience of feeling like I have so many pieces of the puzzle, but some I was yet to orientate their fit. Marianna was able to see a clearer picture that an 'outsider's' perspective can provide. She was able to reflect to me in loving kindness where the disconnected was that I was not seeing. And then I got it. I was able to fit the puzzle piece. And others fell into place, too, as I stepped forward into a new state of being."


"People automatically assume that women are getting things out of their chest because we are more verbal than men in general and more open with our feelings, fears and sadness in pure social settings. My experience is that we, women, often become the care givers, the listeners, the emotional support of the family or our friends, colleagues need us, and we often do not want to " put our troubles" onto our beloved ones' shoulders, as they have more than enough to deal with. I was in this situation, when I had the stroke of luck to make a telephone appointment with this wonderful Stress Management Coach, Relationship Coach Lady, Marianna. She listened to me with open, warm-hearted manner, guided me through our chat with great expertise to clarify what tools to give me to access in order to change my mindset for one that is serving me better for a more hopeful, more beautiful way of feeling and thinking, and cooping with potential stress factors. I am very grateful for this wonderful lady in all the meaning of the world I do know that my problems are not unique and therefore I wanted to give this testimonial for other women to see that there is a help in Marianna 's expertise that we all can access for a better future for all of us."

Anonymous from the U.S.

"I had the most amazing session with Marianna. I have seen multiple therapists over the years in the U.S. but this session with Marianna was beyond special. I felt like we immediately connected on a level that I have never felt before. I felt energized and peaceful afterwards and still cannot stop thinking about our session over 2 months later. Thank you Marianna"

A. C.

"I was subject of workplace bullying because I was very friendly, had a strong work ethic...which played in the hands of the executives and work colleagues in my company as they all took advantage of me in the worst ways possible. I was suffering from depression, lack of energy. Even when I went out to exercise, those bad memories kicked in and I stopped my jog. Meeting Marianna was something truly exceptional that happened to me. She held my hands in my first meet, she smiled and the energy transferred over to my body. Also, she touched my cheeks with her hands which made me feel like in paradise and very protective. She listened to everything I said and it was the first time where I felt happy because Marianna told me why I was subject to being taken advantage and it made sense to me. I managed to move from working in a small sized firm to a corporate firm and I have met many amazing people along the way. I am a happy person again. I don't want to promise that meeting Marianna will work for everyone, but she certainly was the perfect person to meet for me. She is more than just a cuddler...she is a listener, she changed me from a depressed to a happy person who is enjoying life again. Marianna is also a great cuddler. I love it when she plays with my hair, strokes my's the most enjoyable nap...and her soft, slow voice is the icing on the cake"

Ryan L.

"I was very apprehensive to meet with a stranger to cuddle them as I didn't know what to expect. However as soon as I met Marianna, I felt like I could trust her. At the start of the session, she explained the structure of the session in a way that cleared a lot of my doubts and set my mind at ease. We started with the face touching and eye contact, which made me feel more connected (I was shy at first). The session was great and we were able to not only have a great cuddle, but also connect on a personal level, share life experiences and understand each other. I was feeling quite isolated/lonely, so just having someone understand and accept me was a feeling I have not felt for a very long time. One cuddle cannot change everything, but I felt very uplifted as I walked out and also on the following days. The emotional experience I was having turned the tide from negative to a more hopeful mindset."

Anonymous with Asperger's Syndrome

"It was lovely meeting Marianna at Brighter Spaces Islington for a cuddle therapy session. I didn't want it to end and will definitely book another appointment. I have Asperger's Syndrome and anxiety. I would recommend Marianna to anyone because I was put at ease. My heart stopped beating so fast and I felt totally relaxed after, which I don't normally feel relaxed. Thank you so much Marianna"

Mani from the U.S.

"Marianna is a deep healer. Has a strong purpose to help others and it feels so good to have that attention and insight and guidance. Also an excellent cuddler! Recommend to anyone going through tough strange things life brings to us and looking for a kind and strong soul to feel as a true friend in need."

David T.

"I had been thinking about trying cuddle therapy for many months before I actually took the plunge. It's something that I've always been interested in, as I've realised for many years how powerful human contact can be and so cuddling and hugging is something that has always been important for me. Finding out about these sessions I looked through several potential therapists and settled on Marianna because she seemed like someone who was understanding and whom I could trust. Having had a conversation with her over the phone, Marianna sounded to me like a very genuine person, someone very warm and empathetic. On meeting her and having the session, this was exactly how she was. She genuinely respects a person's privacy, whilst wanting to help however she can. Marianna is happy to talk but even happier to listen and just this was fantastic. The session was amazing, in that you are in a space that is comfortable, secure and non-judgemental. Marianna is a lovely, kind, friendly person with a great, warm personality. The cuddling and hugging in the session was extremely therapeutic and a lovely experience. It's something I would definitely recommend and I can see myself having many more sessions in the future."

Simon, 38

"I was uncertain about getting so physically close to a stranger but Marianna quickly put me at my ease. She always gave me a chance to say if I felt comfortable as the session progressed and providing the opportunity to consent. As I began to relax into the time together, I began to access parts of myself that I wouldn't normally go, and look at how I have experienced touch through my life. It was a very warm, healing experience for me."

Dorina Apostu

"In so much gratitude! Marianna truly helped me to understand the power of self-love, how to connect with self-love and the miracles and healing that come through this! Marianna's dedication comes from a place of genuine deep love and deep-rooted wish to help others, hence the extraordinary power of the work she does!"


"Marianna is everything a cuddle professional should be. I'm an experienced client, and I've been fortunate to cuddle with many people. Recently I was in a slightly lower-than-usual place and hadn't had a cuddle for a while. I've been in touch with Marianna for some time but we've never had the opportunity to cuddle, and this was it. And it was everything I was hoping for. Kind, thoughtful and professional. She truly 'held' me, and that's a surprisingly difficult thing to do. But it's the sign of a true cuddle therapist."

Raj V.

"As certain feel cannot be described, it's really difficult to narrate my experience in words. Marianna is the most beautiful heart, very kind and the true giver I have ever seen. She gave me her total undivided attention. The healing power / positive energy flows from her tender touch, and It took my all stress away. Even after two days of the session, I'm still in a realm of blissfulness. Those moments of being in her loving arms and witnessing being soaked in TLC is truly healing, blissful and invaluable."

Wael S.

"This was my first cuddle session. I can say she is such an amazing adorable person to spend time with. Wonderful experience , friendly and welcoming. She immediately gave me a warm and friendly embrace that put my mind at ease. Which made the time so meaningful that I didn’t want the session to end. When I arrived I had a Migraine headache that I wanted to cancel my session, but I said to my self go ahead and try your first experience because I already booked. Before the end of my session my Migraine disappeared like a magic I can’t believe it. She is really an angel sent from above to make me feel relaxed and ease all my pains…. No more complaints. She has such a sincere presence about her that makes you melt into her arms and her cute smile filled the room with a sense of calm and peace. I highly recommend her to anyone! What a beautiful soul. She suggested different cuddle positions as she is a thorough professional. She gives a very relaxing cuddle for sure. I can just summarise my thoughts about her that she is an Excellent cuddler! Very sweet personality and friendly. I will definitely book again and recommend others too. Thanks Marianna"

Jay S.

"Marianna is incredibly thoughtful and considerate and our session was delightful. Communication was straight forward and after meeting we got right into our cuddle session. She has an incredibly warm personality and shows kindness on another level. If it's your first time then I highly recommend you speak to Marianna as she is able to talk and lead her way through the cuddle session in a way that is appropriate to anyone."

Harry O.

"Marianna is the most warm, caring soul and gives the cosiest cuddles you could ask for. We barely needed to talk throughout, time just flew by as we snuggled, I really could have stayed there all day. Didn’t expect to find someone so special I’m now really looking forward to seeing her again. Don’t hesitate to book in with Marianna, she will make you feel completely at peace and loved with hugs."

Marty K.

"I had the pleasure of seeing Marianna for a session and it was exactly what I needed. Marianna is warm, and caring. She made me feel so grounded and comforted that I felt totally at peace to be vulnerable and she made me feel so safe. I will definitely see Marianna again and I cannot recommend her session enough."

Jay D.

"My experience with Marianna was like seeing an old friend again, it was an absolute delight to be blessed with her presence, spiritual awareness and of course loving cuddles. We shared many stories, experiences, laughs and cuddles. We spent many hours together, during this time she made sure I felt comfortable and safe. There is something very enchanting about Marianna, I urge you to experience it."


"Just wow! A stunning beauty, she’s a sweet and kind soul. Time went by far too quickly chatting with her whilst nestled together. Her cuddles just melted into me and her gentle caresses were heavenly. She is so caring and thoughtful and was such a calming presence. I could go on and on. I hope our paths cross again for a cuddle soon!"

Allan A.

"The session with Marianna gave me back some of the peace and tranquillity to refill my empty tanks. As with all treasured moments in life, the time spent with her flew by in the blink of an eye, but never forgotten."

Chris S.

"I had the most exquisite session from start to finish with Marianna. A truly wonderful lady, warm cuddles, lovely conversation and if you choose gives the most awesome foot rub. If you are serious about cuddling then visiting this lady is a must, I'm definitely booking again."

David D.

"The quality of Marianna's warmth and kindness started with her greeting and lasted until her kind farewell. In the meantime, the comfort flowed with a balance of helpfully clear guidance and sensitivity which settled my nervousness. A safe experience as well as a cosy one. Thank you."

© 2024 Marianna Hollosi - All Rights Reserved.

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Real Stories, Real Transformations

Read firsthand accounts from clients who have experienced profound healing and

personal growth through Marianna Hollosi’s unique therapeutic approach.

From the Mother of a Son with ASD

"Our son, who is on the autism spectrum, has always liked hugs from family and friends and just about anyone. In the past too, hugs/being held have been used as a calming mechanism both from family and when he was younger, staff at school etc. However, as an adult in his early thirties, hugs are no longer freely available, apart from his parents and sibling. Marianna has helped to fill this void as an empathetic, understanding and caring therapist who takes care with her client firstly to establish the boundaries and to offer a sympathetic, listening ear as she gets to know the person she is working with. She has travelled to his Supported Living home from the office base. I believe our young man has found that the sessions so far with her are calming and helpful, and I would also say the sessions have helped his confidence to a significant degree. Thank you Marianna."

Tim S.

"I've had the opportunity to see Marianna a few times now and each time is better than before. We had a conversation which started off with me asking her a question and from there she has managed to open my eyes and mind to a whole aspect of thinking about myself and what I could be. She encouraged me to seek my passion and to strive for my own goals. I can honestly say before that session I never had the intention of pursuing my hobbies but Marianna made me look at the root cause of my problem and helped me see the other side of it and what I need to do to get there. She helped me identify my problem of lack of self-validation through talking and conversing with her is just so easy and it flows to the point that it feels natural. I'm grateful for her kind nature and empathic take on my issues."


"I was a little apprehensive before meeting with Marianna for our session. I’m English and the whole idea of Cuddle Therapy seemed quite ‘out there’ and peculiar, and yet I also felt it was something I needed to experience to release some deeply locked emotions. Marianna immediately put me at my ease and remained attuned to my feelings and comfort levels throughout the whole session. She was incredibly loving and gentle, and created an atmosphere of genuine light and emotional warmth for healing to occur. I never had siblings growing up and Marianna was able to offer a beautiful feminine presence and sisterly love which worked wonders on opening my chakras, especially my heart centre. She adapted to my needs and feelings throughout, and listened attentively as I talked through some of the stuff that was coming up for me. She also offered gentle feedback and observations which helped me process and reflect on those feelings and the experiences that arose in the session. I would highly recommend her to anybody seeking healing on a deep emotional level."

K.A. from Kuwait

"Well, the connection with Marianna started before meeting her. As I was scrolling through my phone to find a cuddle therapist, I was not sure if I should try it or not as I have never had a cuddle session before. It was new for me. I don’t know what happened but when I found her profile it was like a click that she should be the person experiencing cuddle therapy with. I looked at her picture, and also the genre she uses in her messages made me feel that she is a warm-hearted person. I found her on a day that I really wanted to be cared for and be connected to someone. I was so excited when I met her and at the same time felt weird as I didn’t know what to do. She was a good leader. Her hand has a strong energy that is full of warmth and calmness. Only putting her hand on me made me feel different. Cuddling her was like a response for the calls I have been doing in the previous months. I was feeling lonely and in a bad mood sometimes, but she made me forget all that and she gave me a response for all my calls. She filled all the emptiness inside me. Looking at her eyes was hard and comfortable at the same time. I didn’t know that eye gazing could be stronger than physical touch. I felt that I could go through her soul through looking at her eyes. It was a unique feeling I never had before. I was very active and in a hurry, recently, but the time with her made me the opposite, made me move and talk so slow and made me so lazy and relaxed. SOOOO CHILLEEED!I felt so surrendered and it happened while listening to the rain sound, which I love and made me feel so peaceful. When I took her hand and put it on my heart the second time we met, I felt a strong and very warm connection between her palm and my chest and heart. I felt all my power and strength have been transferred to her palm as well as all the thoughts and ideas I have. It was like my tank had been empty, not fuel. It felt like emptying the battery before recharging it. It is so hard writing this because every time I write about one thing, another thing and another feeling comes to my mind. That is why I’m jumping from one idea to another idea. Otherwise I will write pages to describe the beautifully indescribable experience with her. Note: I’m writing this on the airplane while heading back home!"

Ish T.

"Marianna is just one of those wonderful people that makes you feel comfortable from the moment you meet her! The easy communication during the booking process was a preview of such relaxed session, filled with nice conversation, wonderful cuddles - and a great smile! A beautiful soul, simply, don't hesitate in cuddling with her! We had a wonderful time together. She is very warm and friendly! I explained that I was new to this, but she made me feel comfortable right away. We chatted about family and friends, and also shared a few of life’s experiences. I’m already looking forward to booking in another session. Thank you Marianna."

Andrew Henson

"I’m a 50 years young male, single and in need of platonic affection to bridge the gap between relationships. I found Marianna through a Google search for cuddle professionals. I was very impressed with the long list of services and credentials. I booked a two hour session which could have gone on a lot longer. I arrived at the venue in London, we cuddled in various positions on a comfortable double bed. I fell asleep twice which is credit to Marianna for creating such as relaxed and nurturing environment. I would highly recommend Marianna for your cuddle needs, I will definitely be booking again."

Ben W.

"I am not one to write testimonials but thought it was important so that people with a similar backgrounds might benefit from Marianna’s help as I have. For years I struggled with touch and intimacy after being sexually abused as a child. I tried multiple different types of therapy but talking about the past had not helped me get anymore comfortable with touch. I hated my own body and felt threatened by the physical intimacy of others. Four sessions of receiving Marianna’s cuddles helped me to accept myself, my body, and feel safer with physical intimacy. Marianna is more than just a cuddler, she is an amazing person. Each session with Marianna was better than the last. Thank you Marianna, for everything."

Alysa B. from Australia

"I met Marianna after attending a Family Constellations event. On learning, she has also attended them in the past, and I sought to connect with her and share experiences. Our conversation went on a journey of its own, and I shared with her my experience of feeling like I have so many pieces of the puzzle, but some I was yet to orientate their fit. Marianna was able to see a clearer picture that an 'outsider's' perspective can provide. She was able to reflect to me in loving kindness where the disconnected was that I was not seeing. And then I got it. I was able to fit the puzzle piece. And others fell into place, too, as I stepped forward into a new state of being."


"People automatically assume that women are getting things out of their chest because we are more verbal than men in general and more open with our feelings, fears and sadness in pure social settings. My experience is that we, women, often become the care givers, the listeners, the emotional support of the family or our friends, colleagues need us, and we often do not want to " put our troubles" onto our beloved ones' shoulders, as they have more than enough to deal with. I was in this situation, when I had the stroke of luck to make a telephone appointment with this wonderful Stress Management Coach, Relationship Coach Lady, Marianna. She listened to me with open, warm-hearted manner, guided me through our chat with great expertise to clarify what tools to give me to access in order to change my mindset for one that is serving me better for a more hopeful, more beautiful way of feeling and thinking, and cooping with potential stress factors. I am very grateful for this wonderful lady in all the meaning of the world I do know that my problems are not unique and therefore I wanted to give this testimonial for other women to see that there is a help in Marianna 's expertise that we all can access for a better future for all of us."

Anonymous from the U.S.

"I had the most amazing session with Marianna. I have seen multiple therapists over the years in the U.S. but this session with Marianna was beyond special. I felt like we immediately connected on a level that I have never felt before. I felt energized and peaceful afterwards and still cannot stop thinking about our session over 2 months later. Thank you Marianna"

A. C.

"I was subject of workplace bullying because I was very friendly, had a strong work ethic...which played in the hands of the executives and work colleagues in my company as they all took advantage of me in the worst ways possible. I was suffering from depression, lack of energy. Even when I went out to exercise, those bad memories kicked in and I stopped my jog. Meeting Marianna was something truly exceptional that happened to me. She held my hands in my first meet, she smiled and the energy transferred over to my body. Also, she touched my cheeks with her hands which made me feel like in paradise and very protective. She listened to everything I said and it was the first time where I felt happy because Marianna told me why I was subject to being taken advantage and it made sense to me. I managed to move from working in a small sized firm to a corporate firm and I have met many amazing people along the way. I am a happy person again. I don't want to promise that meeting Marianna will work for everyone, but she certainly was the perfect person to meet for me. She is more than just a cuddler...she is a listener, she changed me from a depressed to a happy person who is enjoying life again. Marianna is also a great cuddler. I love it when she plays with my hair, strokes my's the most enjoyable nap...and her soft, slow voice is the icing on the cake"

Ryan L.

"I was very apprehensive to meet with a stranger to cuddle them as I didn't know what to expect. However as soon as I met Marianna, I felt like I could trust her. At the start of the session, she explained the structure of the session in a way that cleared a lot of my doubts and set my mind at ease. We started with the face touching and eye contact, which made me feel more connected (I was shy at first). The session was great and we were able to not only have a great cuddle, but also connect on a personal level, share life experiences and understand each other. I was feeling quite isolated/lonely, so just having someone understand and accept me was a feeling I have not felt for a very long time. One cuddle cannot change everything, but I felt very uplifted as I walked out and also on the following days. The emotional experience I was having turned the tide from negative to a more hopeful mindset."

Anonymous with Asperger's Syndrome

"It was lovely meeting Marianna at Brighter Spaces Islington for a cuddle therapy session. I didn't want it to end and will definitely book another appointment. I have Asperger's Syndrome and anxiety. I would recommend Marianna to anyone because I was put at ease. My heart stopped beating so fast and I felt totally relaxed after, which I don't normally feel relaxed. Thank you so much Marianna"

Mani from the U.S.

"Marianna is a deep healer. Has a strong purpose to help others and it feels so good to have that attention and insight and guidance. Also an excellent cuddler! Recommend to anyone going through tough strange things life brings to us and looking for a kind and strong soul to feel as a true friend in need."

David T.

"I had been thinking about trying cuddle therapy for many months before I actually took the plunge. It's something that I've always been interested in, as I've realised for many years how powerful human contact can be and so cuddling and hugging is something that has always been important for me. Finding out about these sessions I looked through several potential therapists and settled on Marianna because she seemed like someone who was understanding and whom I could trust. Having had a conversation with her over the phone, Marianna sounded to me like a very genuine person, someone very warm and empathetic. On meeting her and having the session, this was exactly how she was. She genuinely respects a person's privacy, whilst wanting to help however she can. Marianna is happy to talk but even happier to listen and just this was fantastic. The session was amazing, in that you are in a space that is comfortable, secure and non-judgemental. Marianna is a lovely, kind, friendly person with a great, warm personality. The cuddling and hugging in the session was extremely therapeutic and a lovely experience. It's something I would definitely recommend and I can see myself having many more sessions in the future."

Simon, 38

"I was uncertain about getting so physically close to a stranger but Marianna quickly put me at my ease. She always gave me a chance to say if I felt comfortable as the session progressed and providing the opportunity to consent. As I began to relax into the time together, I began to access parts of myself that I wouldn't normally go, and look at how I have experienced touch through my life. It was a very warm, healing experience for me."

Dorina Apostu

"In so much gratitude! Marianna truly helped me to understand the power of self-love, how to connect with self-love and the miracles and healing that come through this! Marianna's dedication comes from a place of genuine deep love and deep-rooted wish to help others, hence the extraordinary power of the work she does!"


"Marianna is everything a cuddle professional should be. I'm an experienced client, and I've been fortunate to cuddle with many people. Recently I was in a slightly lower-than-usual place and hadn't had a cuddle for a while. I've been in touch with Marianna for some time but we've never had the opportunity to cuddle, and this was it. And it was everything I was hoping for. Kind, thoughtful and professional. She truly 'held' me, and that's a surprisingly difficult thing to do. But it's the sign of a true cuddle therapist."

Raj V.

"As certain feel cannot be described, it's really difficult to narrate my experience in words. Marianna is the most beautiful heart, very kind and the true giver I have ever seen. She gave me her total undivided attention. The healing power / positive energy flows from her tender touch, and It took my all stress away. Even after two days of the session, I'm still in a realm of blissfulness. Those moments of being in her loving arms and witnessing being soaked in TLC is truly healing, blissful and invaluable."

Wael S.

"This was my first cuddle session. I can say she is such an amazing adorable person to spend time with. Wonderful experience , friendly and welcoming. She immediately gave me a warm and friendly embrace that put my mind at ease. Which made the time so meaningful that I didn’t want the session to end. When I arrived I had a Migraine headache that I wanted to cancel my session, but I said to my self go ahead and try your first experience because I already booked. Before the end of my session my Migraine disappeared like a magic I can’t believe it. She is really an angel sent from above to make me feel relaxed and ease all my pains…. No more complaints. She has such a sincere presence about her that makes you melt into her arms and her cute smile filled the room with a sense of calm and peace. I highly recommend her to anyone! What a beautiful soul. She suggested different cuddle positions as she is a thorough professional. She gives a very relaxing cuddle for sure. I can just summarise my thoughts about her that she is an Excellent cuddler! Very sweet personality and friendly. I will definitely book again and recommend others too. Thanks Marianna"

Jay S.

"Marianna is incredibly thoughtful and considerate and our session was delightful. Communication was straight forward and after meeting we got right into our cuddle session. She has an incredibly warm personality and shows kindness on another level. If it's your first time then I highly recommend you speak to Marianna as she is able to talk and lead her way through the cuddle session in a way that is appropriate to anyone."

Harry O.

"Marianna is the most warm, caring soul and gives the cosiest cuddles you could ask for. We barely needed to talk throughout, time just flew by as we snuggled, I really could have stayed there all day. Didn’t expect to find someone so special I’m now really looking forward to seeing her again. Don’t hesitate to book in with Marianna, she will make you feel completely at peace and loved with hugs."

Marty K.

"I had the pleasure of seeing Marianna for a session and it was exactly what I needed. Marianna is warm, and caring. She made me feel so grounded and comforted that I felt totally at peace to be vulnerable and she made me feel so safe. I will definitely see Marianna again and I cannot recommend her session enough."

Jay D.

"My experience with Marianna was like seeing an old friend again, it was an absolute delight to be blessed with her presence, spiritual awareness and of course loving cuddles. We shared many stories, experiences, laughs and cuddles. We spent many hours together, during this time she made sure I felt comfortable and safe. There is something very enchanting about Marianna, I urge you to experience it."


"Just wow! A stunning beauty, she’s a sweet and kind soul. Time went by far too quickly chatting with her whilst nestled together. Her cuddles just melted into me and her gentle caresses were heavenly. She is so caring and thoughtful and was such a calming presence. I could go on and on. I hope our paths cross again for a cuddle soon!"

Allan A.

"The session with Marianna gave me back some of the peace and tranquillity to refill my empty tanks. As with all treasured moments in life, the time spent with her flew by in the blink of an eye, but never forgotten."

Chris S.

"I had the most exquisite session from start to finish with Marianna. A truly wonderful lady, warm cuddles, lovely conversation and if you choose gives the most awesome foot rub. If you are serious about cuddling then visiting this lady is a must, I'm definitely booking again."

David D.

"The quality of Marianna's warmth and kindness started with her greeting and lasted until her kind farewell. In the meantime, the comfort flowed with a balance of helpfully clear guidance and sensitivity which settled my nervousness. A safe experience as well as a cosy one. Thank you."

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